Explanation of Soul or Self in the Holy Qur'an and Atman in the Ancient Upanishads
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Published: 19 August 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The issue of soul or self in Holy Qur'an and Atman in the Upanishads are among the basic teachings and foundation for understanding human being and his related teachings. Understanding the truth of the "soul" or "Atman" is the key to understanding many of the principles and foundations of religion in Islam and Hinduism. The present writing is attempting, using a descriptive-comparative method, to examine verses in which the word "eternal" and "non-material" are introduced into existence in the body of man, referred to as "the spirit of the soul", and On the other hand, it explains the clauses of the ancient Upanishads which consider Atman as an immensely human person and interprets it as "a sensual soul." This is the process of confessing to share in the immortality of the soul and the immortality of the human soul or atman in both religions.
Keywords : Soul, self, atman, holy Quran, ancient Upanishads.

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How to Cite
Dr Ali Reza Khajegir , Mohammad Reza Afroogh. (2018-08-19). "Explanation of Soul or Self in the Holy Qur'an and Atman in the Ancient Upanishads." *Volume 2*, 3, 17-24